Now I was quite skeptical making notebooks but I first started by organizing all the materials that I needed for our reading series into unit binders. This made it SUPER easy to get ready for a week. Yes I had to spend 5 minutes instead of 1 to put away items but I DID NOT end up with 8 extra copies of anything. I just kept 1! I hope that I am not the only person out there that kept the extra worksheet each year. You know when you have 22 students but make 24 because most likely little Suzie will tear it or lose it within 30 seconds... well I ALWAYS kept those 2 measly extra papers and just stuffed them back into my file. Well- NO MORE OF THAT FOR ME! :)
This is my Numbers and Place Value Binder. I haven't made a cute cover for it yet so no peak at the cover. :)
We still use EDM in my district. There are definitely some great lessons in it- but it is NOT my favorite curriculum. So this summer I have been really looking up the lessons that they claim are common core friendly and making that judgment myself! :)
These two pages are my first two weeks of school lesson plans. I promise that I will type them out. :) I have the EDM lessons that were okay, the homelinks that I liked and math journal pages that I liked. I also have scribbled supplements that I am using. (Well most of them- my brainpopjr videos are already on the page reserved on my computer for these lesson plans.)
Behind the lesson plans I have my read aloud books and any other whole group materials/ independent work materials that I need. Each separate activity is in a separate sleeve. It is just like a more tidy file folder. :)
Then I have materials tabbed by a red (below), yellow (on) or green (advanced level). There is one sleeve per week plan. In each one I have materials that would be suited to that particular weekly skill on the level needed. These sheets could be used in small group or even as homework practice. I use to have a tough time juggling what I used in class and what I sent home. This way it is already separated for me. :)
Here are some pictures of place value stuff. You can tell it is printed in black and white but everything is all typed up! :)
If you are interested here are some of the resources that went into these 2 units:
*EDM lessons: 1.1, 1.2, 1.4, 1.5, 1.8, 2.1, 2.2, 3.2, 3.3, 3.5
Place Value
*EDM lessons:5.1, 5.2, 5.3 (Can you see now why I made a unit?)
* <--- She is AWESOME. lol.
Since we have SLOS to write this year. I also give the first one of the assessments during the first two weeks:
Here are pre-assessments and post -assessments:
Last but not least- a HUGE thank you to all of you that posted my new place value unit on pinterest or your blogs. You ROCK! Thank you! :) You should get your free item tonight! :)
Do you have your lesson plan template anywhere? I am in charge of coming up with a new common core friendly easy lesson plan template for our school and yours looked like something that might work for us. If you can, let me know where I can get a copy to look at more closely. Thanks!
Teachin' First
Sure! Give me a couple of days to throw something together. :). I also have a few others that are fill in the blank that I can put together in a file.