Thursday, January 26, 2012

social stories and celebration center

I am still working on revamping my behavior system.  I started my Celebration Center board and social stories.

Here are some samples of my social stories:
I plan of making my selected students read their book right in the morning, right before they go to special and after any other important transition.

Here is the VERY beginning of my Celebration Board:

Ha!  Most of you could make this in 5 minutes- this took me.... 45 minutes and it is still crooked!  I am oober envious of people with artistic talent.  The funny thing is- this is more of measuring talent and I still couldn't do it!!!

I also purchased crowns that they can make, awards, one of those small cardboard treasure chests and filled it with tiny prizes.  I am also going to make little written awards like "You get to trade chairs with Mrs. LaSota!", "Healthy snack with Mrs. LaSota.", "Sit in the reading cave.", "You can be line leader,", You can do the teacher job for math warm-up." etc.

I want to buy really motivating and encouraging books so that they can read them.  I think Jamie Lee Curtis has written some good self-esteem books.  I could add one of those.

I also want to make a hall of fame and have the students autograph once they have visited the celebration center. 

I have to add something 3D so maybe some balloons or streamers????  I will have to borrow one of my very artsy and talented teammates to help me! 

Fun time is OVER- time to write my Friday newsletter!

GoOdNiGhT!  <--- See I do have some type of art talent!  :)


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